Friday 28 October 2022

A Money-Making Fest Gone Awry Due to Greed?

Volume 4, Issue No. 21

/ News That Fears None, Views That Favor Nobody /

. . . . . A community service of The Filipino Web Channel (TheFilipinoWebChannel@gmail. com) and the Philippine Village Voice ( for the information and understanding of Filipinos and the diverse communities in North America . . . . . .
Our latest as of Friday, October 28, 2022 

~ Oh no. No, no, no, no. It's not a typo. The headline of this article is correct. Sure it sounds like the American medical drama on television but this one also involves humans and human interaction. Greed, that excessive desire for wealth, appears to have girdled some personalities in the Filipino community to such an extent as to betray trust, friendships and loyalty. And - if reports are accurate - all for a trifling sum of money.

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Greed's Anatomy
How Thousands of Dollars Changed Hands

Editor, The Filipino Web Channel

“Fraud is the daughter of greed.” ― Jonathan Gash

TORONTO - In real-life situations in this city's Filipino community, how much difference can $15,000 make?

The question may sound flimsy, but there's an underpinning of truth there, and if truth be told, that amount of money can do many things. Here are some that I can think of:

1. It can buy loyalty.
2. It can win friendships.
3. It can guarantee a seat of prominence in community events.
4. It can open doors to the lavish offices of politicians.
5. It can make one a VIP, if not a superstar.
6. It can change social status.
7. It can make one a prominent figure in friendly media.
8. It can command respect.
9. It can move mountains.
10. It can unmake potential adversaries.

Fifteen thousand dollars is not much of a huge sum to prompt any or all of the 10 possibilities listed above. True. If that applies to a person, entity, or both, that shows how miserly the person is and the situation he's in. Wicked, if I may add.

Even if we turn a blind eye, or stand deaf as a post, the reality is upon us. 

The buzz is that a pitiful-looking community player - let's call him MVT for most valuable trickster - has pulled off his latest caper by convincing a newborn not-for-profit (allegedly) corporation (let's designate it as NFP-2) to take care of a street festival planned for next year.

Debts and debtors have not been settled yet, after all, the other not-for-profit org (let's designate it as NFP-1) was wrestling to survive the unexpected failure of its much-hyped fiesta in Little Manila.

Prior to its staging, MVT and NFP-1 had the sweetest, even affectionate, (or, it appeared) partnership, most times coming to the defense of the other against critics and skeptics of their extravaganza.

In their idiotic podcasts listened to only by nonthinking associates, they poisoned the airwaves with their nonsensical conversation, usually laced with gossip and innuendoes, and on occasions, they resorted to diatribes.

NFP-1 is the place to find an assortment of pretenders, among them an unblushing, card-carrying "reporter" who obviously belongs to this distinct group called "pinabili ng suka, pagbalik journalist na!". Folks like her are dime a dozen in the local media circle.

It's no surprise that MVT felt comfortable with them because, at his core, he's also a phony. If one is looking for an example of the proverb "birds of a feather flock together," it's there sitting on the laps of MVT and NFP-1.

Maybe it was MVT's outward looks, his delusion of grandeur, and the promise of instant cash that had bewitched NFP-1 to partner with him. So, whatever their state of mind was, the people behind NFP-1 swallowed MVT's lies hook, line, and sinker.

NFP-1 reportedly invested a sizable sum - estimated at $85,000 (unverified) - and handed it to MVT. Of course, MVT  was ecstatic beyond belief. Two years of the pandemic had deprived him of the moolah he had been expecting from his questionable ventures.

In some ways, that money supposedly deepened their friendship. That's what NFP-1 thought. Wrongly! And now NFP-1 is paying for it.

As the weeks and days inched closer to the festival in August, the situation looked bleak. The public turnout was good, according to those who were there. And the vendors? Nobody would say.

Complaints, however, are starting to surface. Legitimate vendors who paid a princely sum for their booths had been practically eased out by transient vendors who secretly paid much less to MVT. Cash payments from the under-the-table deal allegedly went to MVT and were unrecorded.

Most apparent, the things MVT had promised NFP-1 did not materialize. In other words, NFP-1 was on the verge of losing an arm and a leg. That fate finally fell on NFP-1 as the festival wound up.

The coward that he is, MVT set off. He dumped NFP-1 and took NFP-2 in without notice as a matter of courtesy. Reports said NFP-1 learned of its firing by word of mouth or rumors that became plausible.

If news (unverified) were to be believed, NFP-2 is pouring in something to the tune of $100,000. Yes, from NFP-1's five figures to NFP-2's six figures. 

That meant the $15,000 difference between being a true friend and having a new friend of convenience for MVT.

So, it's that amount of money, reportedly, that doomed NFP-1. MVT has found another potential, and seemingly willing, victim. Well, it's too early to say whether NFP-2 would deliver. 

Right now, NFP-2's financial standing and ability to mount a lavish fiesta are under scrutiny. (Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved).

Wednesday 26 October 2022

12 Years, 3+Million Views, 5.91K Subs - A Million Thanks To All!

Volume 4, Issue No. 20

/ News That Fears None, Views That Favor Nobody /

. . . . . A community service of The Filipino Web Channel (TheFilipinoWebChannel@gmail. com) and the Philippine Village Voice ( for the information and understanding of Filipinos and the diverse communities in North America . . . . . .
 Our latest as of Wednesday, October 26, 2022 

~ A struggle of epic proportions led to the creation of an online news outlet twelve years ago next month. That's my flagship The Filipino Web Channel (TFWC) on YouTube (, which was born of a need for informative and enlightening news reportage in the Filipino community. Chalking up millions of views is a cause for celebration as it is also an occasion to thank the people underlying those numbers who stick for the latest community news, and more. 

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TFWC Chalks Up a First
A Big Milestone for the Online Filipino Web Channel

Editor, The Filipino Web Channel

"The greatest joys in life are found not only in what we do and feel, but also in our quiet hopes and labors for others". - Bryant McGill

TORONTO - Short of three weeks before its 12th year of service to the community, my flagship outline news outlet has chalked up what might be the first social media entity in Canada's largest city to attain a high level of confidence among its diverse audience.

Spreading the news, scrutinizing contents, interpreting the hidden meanings, and vocalizing them for easy understanding have been the guideposts since The Filipino Web Channel (TFWC) came to light on November 15, 2010.

From that time on, it struggled to cover news and events ignored and neglected by both mainstream newspapers and the local Filipino media, the latter preferring socials and gatherings that have little to no impact on the growing but the less informed community.

I've been monitoring the rise in the number of views from 2,999,782 on October 21 to 2,999,969 the next day, to 3,000,133 to 3,000,289, and to 300,000,435 on October 24th. As of this writing this Wednesday, TFWC on YouTube ( has amassed 3,001,063 views and 5.91K subscribers.

In comparison with views and subscribers of established networks and corporate-funded news outlets with large staffs and inexhaustible budgets, the numbers notched by the solo-run TFWC are mere drops in the bucket. 

But taken in the context of free social media where content is generated by users, vloggers, ordinary citizens, non-journalists, and the public at large, the same numbers gain strategic significance.

YouTube and other social media have encouraged and strengthened citizen engagement in what was once the exclusive domain of media behemoths, thus paving the way for the emergence of citizen journalists, or those with a nose for news but with no formal training in journalism.

In a community, or shall I say a world, corrupted by fake news by pseudo-journalists such as what we have in the Filipino community, eyeballs that translate to views are an indication of trust, acceptance, and reliance on the information being dished out, in this particular case, by TFWC.

The unstated belief is that the people behind those millions of views feel comfortable with the information being handed to them in the form of news, analysis, and videos of interviews, incidents, and situations involving the authorities, public and private officials, and the public. 

It's faith in TFWC's ability to inform them of the truth; faith in the ability to provide them with accurate information through honest and objective reporting.

Twelve years is quite a laborious time to earn the respect and trust of a broad community that the TFWC has been serving voluntarily and without expectation of rewards, financially or otherwise. 

Truth to power has been its guiding principle from the get-go. And while that stance has brought about legal troubles, and professional, and personal challenges, none has impeded our mission to inform and enlighten even at great cost and sacrifice.

TFWC has never traded its independence, never succumbed to pressure, never hesitated to tell the facts, and never sacrificed truth for convenience. It remains steadfast to what it advocates. 

With at least 1,211 videos of the most relevant happenings in the Filipino and the broader community under its belt, TFWC has grown to be a preferred chronicler by persons in high places and organizations wishing to advance their initiatives.

Even as the numbers (of videos and views) rose to new highs, TFWC stays grounded, selective of its coverage but never aloof, candid but never presumptuous, and honest but not mendacious.

TFWC has earned its place in the social media world through hard work and an uncompromising attitude. Our viewers may find some stories and filmographies annoying, upsetting, and disgusting, but that's how truth evolves.

Our allegiance is to the truth and not to friends and momentary supporters who endeavor to convince us to discontinue the slippery path we have taken for the sake of neighborliness and charity.

No, TFWC's outreach to the community is not beholden to anyone. For the record, the birth of TFWC was spurred by the prevarications obtaining then as it is now 12 years and counting.

As editor and founder, I see the increasing number of patrons of TFWC and the six other YouTube channels under the umbrella of Romar Media Canada as an overwhelming vote of confidence for the work and news coverage we're doing for years.

There are more than three million reasons to celebrate this milestone. 

And the best way to do that is to thank viewers all over the world, mainly in the Philippines, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, and several countries in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East who continue to keep track of the many happenings here in our base of operations, Toronto, Canada's largest city.

Your collective patronage has humbled us. We are eternally grateful. Thank you. (Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved).

Wednesday 19 October 2022

New Org to Manage Taste of Manila in 2023

Volume 4, Issue No. 19

/ News That Fears None, Views That Favor Nobody /

. . . . . A community service of The Filipino Web Channel (TheFilipinoWebChannel@gmail. com) and the Philippine Village Voice ( for the information and understanding of Filipinos and the diverse communities in North America . . . . . .
 Our latest as of Wednesday, October 19, 2022 

~ The silence is broken by a trickle of information that the foremost Filipino street festival in Canada has contracted a new group to manage its event next year. That's the pleasant way of saying it. Absent any statement from officials, we can only speculate the obverse side of what's happening - and that is the Taste of Manila has tossed out the "Tuloy ang Saya" tandem of Ramon Datol aka Mondee and Cecille Araneta who both headed the purported not-for-profit International Entertainment Company that managed the recently-concluded ToM 2022. 

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ToM Tosses Out Mondee, Araneta?
A Group Called SPARC to Run Taste of Manila 2023

Editor, The Filipino Web Channel

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” ― Leo Tolstoy

TORONTO - "The early bird catches the worm" is a proverb that means "someone will have an advantage if they do something immediately, or before other people do it". Another dictionary meaning is "the person who arrives first is the one who is successful".

Well, the figurative "early bird" is the Taste of Manila (ToM), the street festival resurrected from the pandemic by a team of slick cheats and staged in August 2022. (Related story at:

Still a good 10 months away, a new organization fancifully named Society of Philippine Artists, Recreation and Community (SPARC) is itching to advance ToM's age by leaping the chronological calendar a full year from its birth in August 2014. 

From that point to next year on August 2023, Taste of Manila - the trade name, not the street festival - would be nine (9) years old. The fest itself was even younger, five years old, when it breathed last due to the pandemic.

But even before the coronavirus struck, ToM already teetered on the edge of downfall in 2018 had it not been rescued by Toronto authorities headed by Mayor John Tory who apparently waived fees ToM organizers could not afford to pay. (Video at:

The ToM event practically died after its last staging in 2019 through the pandemic years, thus my reference to it as the historical ToM or ToM 2014-2019. It came back this year, thus the post-pandemic Taste of Manila 2022 (ppToM 2022).

The in-between ToMs (years 2020 and 2021) were virtual, their substantive content stolen by a gang of thieves from my YouTube channel. (Related story at: (Video at:

By my reckoning the real TOM fest was only five years old, its lifespan was from August 2014 to August 2019. ToM's first year is 2014, but to be a year older, the count begins in 2015, which is what I did.

SPARC, on the other hand, says it would be ten (10) years by then, the reason it is celebrating what it calls a decade of "Filipino culture, food, music & community". "Isang dekada na!" it says in Tagalog.

Danilo "Sani" Baluyot, SPARC's executive director, explained that their counting follows what he calls "the 1-10 premise of counting instead of 0-9 sequence". In that context, the first time ToM was staged in 2014 is considered a "Year 1" so that by 2023, it's already "Year 10".

SPARC's entry naturally leads to questions about what happened to the "Tuloy ang Saya" tandem of Ramon Datol aka Mondee and Cecille Araneta of the jeepney-is-the-national-car-of-the-Philippines fame who organized the ppToM 2022 under the purported not-for-profit International Entertainment Company or IEC. (Video at:

"We are not privy to ToM's decision to 'junk' IEC," says Baluyot. "ToM Inc. offered us a contract for ToM 2023," he stressed. (Related story at:

The contract signed by Rolly Mangante, the self-proclaimed founder of ToM, calls for SPARC "to organize and execute the 10th season of Taste of Manila to be held in the 3rd week of August 2023," according to Baluyot.

So why are IEC, Datol, and Araneta suddenly out of the picture? There are holdovers, however, such as Pepito Torralba and Dannasol Luna, the pseudo reporter who, Baluyot says, "is not part of SPARC" and remains with ToM Inc. (Related story at:

A published report by publicist Tony San Juan, a retired teacher, said ToM Inc. is headed by Mangante as president and CEO, and his wife Nieves, and daughter Jacqueline, as directors.

From this account of ToM's soft launch this week at Republika restaurant in Little Manila, it seems clear that Mangante got rid of troublesome partners and turned ToM into a Mangante family venture.

ToM's turnaround is the fifth in its existence. SPARC is the latest to manage it in 2023 after a series of failures despite massive public attendance to its events.

The first organizer is the alleged not-for-profit Philippine Community Cultural Centre (PCCC), followed by the Philippine Legacy and Cultural Alliance (PLACA), then by Philippine Community Events & Services of Ontario (PESO), and finally, the International Entertainment Company (IEC)

Unsurprisingly, Mangante has not responded to questions as of this writing. (Related story at:

ToM executives include Pepito Torralba, chief coordinator; Ricardo Dumlao, contingency officer; and Lovely Danna Luna, communications director. Serving as consultants are Joseph Redoblado, Lorelei Redoblado, and Tony A. San Juan. (Additional story at: (Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved).

Wednesday 12 October 2022

An Infant Girl's Priceless Gift

Volume 4, Issue No. 18

/ News That Fears None, Views That Favor Nobody /

. . . . . A community service of The Filipino Web Channel (TheFilipinoWebChannel@gmail. com) and the Philippine Village Voice ( for the information and understanding of Filipinos and the diverse communities in North America . . . . . .
 Our latest as of Wednesday, October 12, 2022 

~ To a 90-day-old infant girl I owe this honor of a lifetime - the distinction of being called "great". The child's arrival was inevitable when two people fall for each other. Well, the first-born grandson in the family - the eldest of eleven grandchildren at age 26 - has taken a wife in New York City. Months later a niña bonita was born to everyone's delight. That circumstance catapulted me to a status high enough to be called great, i.e., great-grandfather.  

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It's Great To Be 'Great,' Thanks to Bella
An American of Filipino, Mexican, and Salvadoran Descent

Editor, The Filipino Web Channel

  1. “Young people need something stable to hang on to — a culture connection, a sense of their own past, a hope for their own future. Most of all, they need what grandparents can give them.” —Jay Kesler

TORONTO - The Queen passes and her son becomes King. A beautiful girl is born and her birth makes the top guy in the family totem pole "great". Running parallel lives, the royals and the common folks have no equivalent. Such is life's cycle and it goes on and on. 

I am forever grateful to this little bundle of joy named Bella (the derivative from Isabella) who did not know that her coming to this world is such a terrific milestone for many people, especially for me, now her bisabuelo or abuelo mayor. So, I transited from abuelo to bisabuelo; what a smooth transition! 

Her arrival three months ago in New York City basically confers on me the status of great, literally great, and I mean great-grandfather. No kidding. It's true.

Isn't it great? Great to be "great".

I now occupy a preeminent position in the family hierarchy, thanks to Bella, the daughter of my first grandson, Andrew, who at age 26, is the eldest of a brood of eleven grandchildren. He is my parents' first great-grandchild.

Andrew actually was seven years behind me when at 19 years old I settled into matrimony to the utter disappointment of my parents. His abuela, long departed, just turned eighteen then.

While I was fighting the crooks in California in 1996, Andrew elevated me to grandpa just by being born. Coming out of the womb, Bella, in turn, pushed me a notch higher in the rung to be a great-grandpa. Father and daughter certainly have a way of bestowing priceless honor on me.

Andrew crisscrossed San Diego, Chicago, Manila, London, and Toronto while growing up. He finally settled in New York City, found work there as a barista, and soon became a co-owner of a coffee shop in Manhattan which he now manages.

It was in New York where she met and fell in love with Jennifer, the pretty daughter of immigrants from Mexico and El Salvador. Bella is the offspring of that union. She carries the DNA of Filipino, Mexican, Salvadoran, Spanish, and American in her blood. And, of course, the Márquez surname. Talk of diversity and the infant girl has it.

Though the reason for writing this article is deeply personal, I thought Bella's advent is worth celebrating in words if not in deeds. 

Rare is the chance to see a fourth-generation child but here I am able to view her at least in pictures. Surely a visit to New York would be in order to get a feel of how it is to be a great-grandpa.

But then they might decide to come to Toronto in the summer when Bella would be a year old. That's something to look forward to.

In the Philippines, Bella would be called "apo sa tuhod" or "bisnieta" in Spanish, or great-grandchild. 

That makes the two of us "great". Isn't that wonderful? Worlds apart but "great" nonetheless. (Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved).