Thursday 10 December 2020

So Distraught, This Wannabe Begs To Be Noticed

Volume 2, Issue No. 44
/ News That Fears None, Views That Favor Nobody /

. . . . . A community service of The Filipino Web Channel (TheFilipinoWebChannel@gmail. com) and the Philippine Village Voice ( for the information and understanding of Filipinos and the diverse communities in North America . . .

Our latest as of Thursday, December 10, 2020 

~ To hear it from a scurrilous wannabe trying to make a living is somewhat distressing, especially in these perilous times. "I want to be . . . taken seriously," he writes, imploring the few readers of this rag called Periodico. But he's off on the wrong foot, vainly attempting to rescue it from its downfall precipitated by the utter lies and recently-surfaced scams allegedly committed by its secretive publishers.
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"I Want To Be Taken Seriously"

Editor, The Filipino Web Channel

“The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

TORONTO - Just when the gloom of the cold season is setting in, I found an occasion to laugh again to my heart's content. I realize that in eleven days, winter comes, and with it, the challenges of the following three months under the omnipresent threat of the novel coronavirus.

Quite entertaining and inexpensive at that, to read from the dead-by-default rag and website called Periodico, the bastard tabloid that recently gave birth to this ill-conceived hybrid behind the pseudonym Laong Laan a.k.a. Bulaan (liar in English).

The site must have been temporarily resuscitated, and as it struggles to stay alive for one more moment, the hybrid managed to rant and rave about things and events, big and small, in the community. 

"I want to be a serious writer, taken seriously," Bulaan confesses in his own words, almost begging for attention, the kind that continues to escape him and his patrons, including the dodgy couple and the bi-gendered Marimacho. (Related story at:

It's an admission that he's a puppy learning to bark hard and bite. Soon, he'll grow up to be a bulldog. When that happens and his appearance looks menacing, he'd still cower in fear for being unprepared to square off and face those who would not put up with his crap. He needs to learn a lot more than what his imbecilic mind could fathom.

Like the people he surrounds himself with, Bulaan is deceptive. His pretensions stink. The false pretenses he acquired from his secretive principals in Periodico must stop already. He flounders whenever he attempts to look knowledgeable. (Related story at:

For example, school-age kids are better off understanding grammar than him who can't even distinguish a pronoun from a contraction. How can people take him seriously? I know it's embarrassing but I just like to point this out only to illustrate how shallow he is.

Correct grammar is of no concern to him. He's careless (or ignorant?) like these examples show from the item he wrote. Examples: Number 1. "While Periodico has now gained legitimacy in it’s news reporting . . . "; Number 2. " . . . if Balita kept to it’s original mandate . . . ";  and Number 3. "Periodico has it’s share of left-wing people too."

Clearly, this Bulaan idiot is using the contraction of the phrase "it is" (it's), a determiner, which is wrong, instead of the possessive pronoun "its", which is the correct form. If he lacks the fundamentals, then it follows that he can't be trusted with anything at all.

For the fun of it, I take note of his many claims while I take a break from reading books I recently bought about Donald Trump (so far six of them - Mary Trump's Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man, John Bolton's The Room Where It Happened, Michael Cohen's Disloyal, Bob Woodward's Rage, Michael Wolff's Siege and Fire and Fury), and Pulitzer Prize-winner Samantha Power's The Education of an Idealist.

Heavy stuff, huh, beyond your comprehension Bulaan? I know, I know that listing those books would invite criticisms from ignoramuses like some of those in Periodico. The truth is I spend time and money to gain insights from the masters, not from run-of-the-mill publications dumped in Filipino stores in Little Manila and lavishly licked by Bulaan.

The fun continues with Bulaan, of all people, making judgments about current issues of which he is the least- and ill-informed. He lists what he calls "the three big news stories" in the local community, which only goes to show his poor grasp of the news, and what passes for news in rumors, speculations, and praise releases.

Poor guy. He writes that, and I quote: "It’s no secret that Balita wants a war with Periodico." He's not understanding a thing. The war has been going on since March! My gosh, how can you be so dumb?

One of the funniest passages in his article is this, and I quote: "The community understands that when you (referring to Balita's Teresita Cuisipag) were poisoned by Romy Marquez, you wrote those muckraker stories because you needed intrigue to not be a 'boring' newspaper."

Bobo talaga! Sorry for that remark, but I can't help saying it. Gunggong would have been a better word. Either way, it's a fitting description of Bulaan and his enablers. (Video at:

The dictionary defines a muckraker as "a person who searches for and tries to expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or other wrongdoing, especially in politics". Another definition of muckraker: "a person, especially one in a news organization, who tries to find out unpleasant information about people or organization in order to make it public".

Near the tail-end of his write-up, Bulaan warns, and I quote: "And I will probably not write about Tess Cusipag or Balita or Romy Marquez anymore, unless the needs warrant it." 

Well, my advice: better not about me, you dummkopf! I'm truly insulted not so much by what you wrote as the way you wrote it. Go back to school. Stay away from your drinking buddies in Little Manila. Save so you can buy books that enrich you and your knowledge. (Copyright 2020. All Rights Reserved).

1 comment:

  1. You tagged the idiot well as a genuine “wannabe.” Enjoyed your article as it mirrors so well a variety of the same species in Pinoy communities across North America. Yes can always tell by their vocabulary and grammar. Stay well and keep that pen sharp, Romy. Your community needs you.
    Sluggo Rigor
    Seattle, WA
