Volume 6, Issue No. 22
/ News That Fears None, Views That Favor Nobody /
. . . . . A community service of Romar Media Canada, The Filipino Web Channel (TheFilipinoWebChannel@gmail.com) and the Philippine Village Voice (PhilVoiceNews@gmail.com) for the information and understanding of Filipinos and the diverse communities in North America . . . . . .
Our latest as of Monday, December 30, 2024
~ We've seen the liars and their lies, the con artists and their fraudulent schemes, the gullible and their exploiters, yet the community seems unaffected and unconcerned. Our "voice" somewhere is visible but unheard. We take stock of what had transpired in the past several months and as a new year dawns, we should reexamine how our organizations empower them.
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Deadly Sins In Our Midst
Celebrating Mediocrity Instead of Excellence
Editor, The Filipino Web Channel
“The foundation of morality is to have done, once and for all, with lying.” - Thomas Huxley
TORONTO - In the past several months, we have witnessed a seeming deterioration of our values as a proud, religious, and law-abiding people.
Greed, envy, lust, and pride dominate our community, amplified by shameless individuals through the many festivals that are held annually in summer and early fall.
Some organizers hold them yearly on the pretext of serving the community, yet promises of putting up projects for the people's welfare are unfilled, forgotten for the most part, once the monies started to come in.
Knowing all this now, I am tempted to ask: what kind of community do we have that celebrates wrongdoers instead of hard workers, mediocrity instead of excellence, celebrities instead of achievers, rumor-mongers instead of truth tellers?
One need not go deeply to search the answers; they're there in plain sight carrying out their elaborate schemes to make us believe they care and that they have only our interests in mind.
Fraudsters, liars, traitors, and money-worshipping leaders so-called occupy prominent berths in our community organizations which provide them cover for their selfish agenda.
The sudden proliferation of non-profit, or not-for-profit, organizations, and foundations sparked by the dubious successes of local festivals is testament to their remunerative potential.
One example that immediately comes to mind is the recognition by a so-called foundation of its "community service award" to a purported founder of a street festival.
To portray the recipient as a "role model" is deeply offensive. If I may ask: "role model" of what - thievery, fraud, perfidy, bullying, double-dealing, fakery?
For all sane reasons, the award was gratuitous. At the very minimum, the giver should have strenuously vetted its choice. Had it exercised due diligence, it would have found out that a dog is a better choice for the award, at least for being loyal to its master.
And then we have yearslong media persons who are actually left-leaning ideologues unmasked for their duplicity by the very people in their staff.
How could people go so brash as to victimize their own trusting employees, deprive them of their money, and conceal the wrongdoing by blaming a ghost government official?
If our organizations truly have the well-being of the community in mind, they should honour the whistleblowers who are brave enough to expose corruption and misconduct.
As it is, the cycle perpetuates itself, meaning, the same people in the same organizations garner the same recognition year in and year out and given medals, certificates, plaques, ribbons, whatever.
There are media trolls who overhype so-called achievers within the same social circle and are somewhat believed. One notable troll has three aliases and quite adept at gayspeak.
As the year 2024 comes to a close, it's important to keep alive the many appalling situations that had occurred and victimized the community in general and a number of unsuspecting members. (Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved).
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